New Systems Checklist

Each of these paintings by Rachael Whitney are "Untitled" (2019-2021), Acrylic on canvas and measure 8" x 10". The overall dimensions are variable.

Each painting is available for $300.

The installation of 50 paintings is available for $7,500.

Artist’s Statement


Rachael Whitney

The repetitive shapes in my work are a representation of an infinitely extendable thought process. The potential for infinity implied by pattern is a representation of the human mind at work. Thoughts and mentalities transition and mutate, influencing the following links in the signifying chain. The layering of patterns and symbols creates a puzzle for the viewer, engaging them in a dialogical process with the presented work, which aims to enhance the buzz of the universe. I engage the process of looking by dismantling the perception of color and form into a series of “representational” patterns and symbols found in daily life.

I am inspired by the process of vision, perception and organization as a result of growing up with a mother who was unable to see color or depth. When I was a child she would frequently ask me to identify the colors of objects or read-aloud text that was too difficult to see. I first became aware of the great power held by color and text through these early childhood experiences.

My modular installations of two-dimensional paintings are created from rearrangements of smaller works to extend their previous boundaries into a larger whole. This alludes to ideas of micro and macro, another manifestation of pattern’s infinite extendability. I am engaged in mimesis as I reproduce my own paintings through photographing and visually manipulating details to generate new works that can be reprinted infinitely. This fluctuation of handmade and digitally simulated tableaux challenges accepted views of authorship and authenticity.